Wonder Intrigue Truth & Humour


Key exhibitions & events.


Cyanotype Showcase, 2020 (Feb-Aug) Glassyard Building

Degree Show, 2019 (Jun) Chelsea College of Art

Interview, 2018 (Jul) The New York Times

SHIFT, 2018 (Mar) 4 locations across London

OFFsite, (2017) Kennington Park Café

Welcome Show, 2016 (Sep) Chelsea College of Art

DIVA Show, 2015 (Jun) Leeds College of Art

WIP Show, 2020 (Jan) the Royal College of Art

& anOther angle, 2018 (Jul) Maxilla Space

MADE HERE, 2018 (May) Chelsea College of Art

If All Ice Melts, 2017 (Sep) The Parade Ground

Interaction Without Instruction (500), 2016 (Nov) The Morgue

Access to HE Show, 2016 (Jun)


‘Check out my interview with #UALSummerShows featuring If All Ice Melts and more on my Ice Painting!’ JMP